MCC Initiatives: Impacting Lives Globally

Although we engage in numerous interesting real estate projects, our board, staff, and donors are primarily motivated by the potential impact these projects can have on furthering MCC's initiatives. Generating more resources for such initiatives is the fundamental reason behind our project undertakings.
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MCC Projects Cause Significant Reduction in Preventable Diseases for Young Children
In regions like South Sudan, the stark reality is that one in ten children dies before reaching their fifth birthday, primarily due to preventable diseases. To address these dire statistics, MCC, alongside local partners in Africa, supports vital maternal and child health initiatives. These programs are targeted at communities experiencing high infant mortality rates and suffering from limited access to medical facilities and treatments. $100,000 funds prenatal and antenatal care in Nigeria, training for traditional birth attendants also in Nigeria, health services for children under five in South Sudan, and support for maternal health and nutrition groups in Kenya.
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$100,000 is able to fund initiatives in South Sudan, Nigeria, and Kenya.
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MCC Initiatives image clean water
MCC Projects Provide Water for Life for 13,000 People
According to the U.N., more than 2 billion people globally lack access to safely managed water services. In the Amhara State of northern Ethiopia, for example, the only available water sources are contaminated, leading to a cascade of negative health, economic, and social consequences, with a disproportionate impact on girls and women. MCC is actively collaborating with local partners in the Amhara region to improve this situation. By drilling new wells, equipping communities with the skills to maintain these wells, and providing training on health, hygiene, and sanitation, MCC aims to help 15 communities secure a sustainable source of clean water. This initiative, with an investment of $300,000, has the potential to provide life-changing access to clean water for over 13,000 people.
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$300,000 investment can help bring clean water for life to over 13,000 people.
MCC Projects Help Prevent Severe Malnutrition and Starvation for 800 Refugee Families in South Sudan
In South Sudan, conflict and severe flooding have displaced four million people, and over 7.5 million individuals—63% of the population—lack sufficient and safe access to food. Many of those affected are living in refugee camps, often on the brink of famine. MCC is actively collaborating with local partners to address this dire situation by providing monthly emergency food supplies to displaced families. The assistance includes essential staples such as sorghum, beans, salt, and cooking oil, which are vital for keeping parents and children nourished as they navigate the hardships caused by ongoing conflict. This $1,000,000, is already supporting over 800 families and 3,000 individuals, ensuring they have access to emergency food for an entire year.
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7.4 million people don’t have sufficient and safe access to food.
MCC Initiatives: Providing food