Introducing Menno Hall

Menno Hall, a 4-6 storey, 11,000 square metre development situated as a prominent gateway between the University Endowment Lands (UEL) and UBC at the corner of University Blvd. and Wesbrook Mall, is a new and dynamic collaboration of Pacific Centre for Discipleship Association (PCDA) and Hyland. Surrounded by mature trees, verdant landscaping and beautiful water features, Menno Hall will offer to residents, students, and academics alike a holistically designed and thoughtfully landscaped facility for living, study, intellectual exploration and intentional community that blends seamlessly into the heart of the University Endowment Lands.
Project Overview
Following the design inspiration developed by SHAPE Architecture, Menno Hall will be an innovative and sustainably built development consisting of 86 rental housing residences for the "missing middle", 101 student housing units, institutional and academic space, common areas, a large multi-functional meeting facility, a dedicated concert and meeting hall, a chapel, and stunning outdoor courtyards. This project aspires to be a sustainable legacy building of architectural significance designed to foster intentional community living in an academic setting. Applying a unique combination of housing, intellectual exploration, community and faith, the Menno Hall will be a strategically integrated facility that brings vibrancy and innovation to the neighbourhood.

Shared Vision
The partnership of Hyland with Pacific Centre Discipleship Association (PCDA) represents Hyland’s first collaboration with a like- minded external organization.
Formed in 1986, Pacific for Centre Discipleship Association is a non-profit Inter-Mennonite society and registered charity whose primary focus has been to create intentional community for university and college students at UBC. In addition to operating the Menno Simons Centre student residence for over 30 years, other programs include the Abendmusik Vesper Choir and projects related to Anabaptist- Christian scholarship.
The PCDA approached Hyland with the desire to create a broader range of sustainable opportunities to support students by developing a new campus and expanding their capacity to serve more students. Hyland assisted PCDA in the acquisition of the parcel of land at 2026 Wesbrook Mall and 2076 Wesbrook Mall and entered into an agreement to jointly develop it.
An integrated project was then created which will help meet PCDA’s mandate by expanding student residences, increasing their previous capacity of 22 students to 101. Hyland will partner with BC HousingHub to add 86 market rental residences for the "missing middle" families in the adjacent affordable housing rental component, in response to the lack of affordable housing in the UBC/UEL area. Furthermore, Hyland and PCDA have together developed a shared vision for an institutional space focused on peace studies.
The successful collaboration between Hyland and PCDA stands as a model for future opportunities to work jointly with organizations who share common goals and vision.